Hope you still remember your school days.. why school days ??
even now the last page of our notebook can be considered as our best friend :)
Read this poem
Last page of my Note Book...!!
Whenever any thought came into my mind,
I wrote it on the Last page of my notebook.
Whenever the lectures were boring,
I played games, used to draw pictures
on the Last page of my notebook.
When I was angry with anyone and wanted to flood my anger,
I used the Last page of my notebook.
When I discovered I was in love with him/her,
I sheared my thoughts with the Last page of my notebook.
When I was really wrong,and I wanted to confess it to someone,
I told about it to Last page of my notebook.
When i wanted not to forget some points taught by my teacher,
i discussed it with Last page of my notebook.
"Still many things Are there to be written
on the Last page of my notebook."